

How do we actually recognize good design? After all, individual tastes can be so very different. Nevertheless, certain attributes serve as benchmarks and qualifiers for innovation.
First, Duravit has been the proud recipient of numerous international design awards. These awards celebrate bold design, which has become Duravit’s hallmark over the years. Second, there are the designers themselves. Each designer is a specialist in his field – a prominent global innovator with an inherent sense for good design. Good design, as Duravit and its designers see it, is never at the expense of practicality – neither is interested in “design for design’s sake”.
And third? That’s you, the bathroom user, and your own set of needs and requirements.
Even a company that has set great precedents with its centuries of tradition once “started small”.
It all began in Hornberg, Germany in 1817 when Georg Friedrich Horn built an earthenware factory initially focused solely on the manufacture of crockery. In 1956, production evolved from earthenware to porcelain, extending the product range to include sanitary ceramics. This provided a platform for future success and also introduced the sanitary world to a new name: Duravit.